Hi all,

YES (the sattelite company) is going to help us to arrange the Linux Day.
We will meet tomorrow to hear ideas and to try to implement them. You can/should be as creative as possible. You should ask yourself - what would I like to see/have in a Linux Day? If you can help with this question, you are welcome to arrive at 12:45 to Taub 3, or to email me off list.

YES is going to broadcast a documentary program in the of July. The Linux Day is going to be part of it. The bigger reason for that is to check society situation in the Technion. For that, they look for Technion students from Haifux and/or from the debate club who will be glad to host two famous people ("celebs") during the dates 20-21/6. Those two celebs will be part of an "experiment" which YES will do. Ofcourse, all expenses will be paid via YES. If you can be the host, please arrive to the meeting as well or email me off list.




Adir Abraham


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