Hi All,

I want to start a kind of a LUG at my workplace, a 60-120 minutes lecture
every two weeks for the workers only (an internal LUG).

I was asked to provide a road map / syllabus for the lectures. I tried to
explain it isn't a standard course. More like a bi-weekly gathering of
people with common interests, but she still wants circulate a message about
what's coming.

So I need a list of topics to cover the first 4-5 gatherings.

Is there a ready-made "training plan" I can use out of the box out there (in
Hebrew, credits will be given where credits are due, of course!)

I am open to suggestions!



Amichai Rotman

UIN#: 6401746
Registered Linux User#: 201192 [http://counter.li.org/]
Registered Ubuntu User #12851 [http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net]


PLEASE READ: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html


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