hi guys,

I have some issues with the following code, help would be appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>

struct Lecture {
   char Lecturer[80];
   char Topic[160];
   char Date[30];
} lecture-str;

struct Node {
   lecture-str data;
   Node *next, *prev;
} node-str;

struct Queue {
   Node First;
   int size;
} Queue-str;

/* standard stuff */

int pop (Queue-str Haifux)
   Node ptr*;
   if (Haifux->size == 0) { printf ("No lecture in queue\n"); return -1;

   print_node (Haifux->First);
   Haifux->First = Hiafux->First.next;
   free (ptr);

   size --;
   if (size)   Haifux->First.prev=NULL;


Well, the code failed with the error message

   No lecture in queue

Help, somebody?

Orr Dunkelman,

"a scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, -- a mere
heart of stone" - Charles Darwin.

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