On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 06:19:48PM +0200, Eli Billauer wrote:
> Hello,
> To begin with, I find the expressions "Insta party" and "Linux party" 
> somewhat, uhhm, wrong. I've been in several such "parties" and for some 
> reason, it didn't look very jolly, for some reason. More like a lot of 
> pale faces staring on screens. How about "meeting the gurus"? ;)
> Anyhow, I would like to suggest the following trick: The student pushes 
> his or her Disk on Key to the lab's computer, and the computer installs 
> a bootable lightweight distro, which includes everything needed for 
> development (including Openoffice). Plus their own home directory. And 
> yes, I know I touch a sensitive, yet fixable issue here (USB sticks).

I'm not sure about the status of Ubuntu's casper, but at least
debian-live should be able to create such an image based on the version
installed on the workstations.

Including support for persistance (saving the changes in the live

> Assuming that it will be well crafted, this means that this student can 
> now plug this key on ANY computer, and go on working. The data will be 
> stored on the Disk on Key, so this should be plug-and-go. Buying a USB 
> stick for this purpose sounds reasonable for the purpose of programming 
> Java at your grandma's.
> This will solve all the compatibility issues.  Main headache:  To make 
> it work.

Added bonus: make it able to run using a small qemu binary on the CD.
I know this worked at least once, but not sure what's the status of

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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