On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:35:01PM +0300, Ohad Lutzky wrote:
> Debian is one of the more popular Linux distributions, well-known for its
> excellent package management. Debian has also been known to be the base for
> many other distributions, such as knoppix and ubuntu. I can show how to
> build packages, how to build repositories, how to version-control the whole
> thing by example of git, as well as a short overview of the extensive
> documentation available on the subject.

Slightly related: 

anybody need their PGP keys signed?

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzaf...@cohens.org.il |                    |  best
tzaf...@debian.org    |                    | friend
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