Could not attend, for geographical reasons - by chance, is the lecture
repeated anywhere else in the coming few weeks?

Also, was there going to be a lecture about open source hardware? I vaguely
recall something like that on previous announcement.



On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Eli Billauer <> wrote:

> On Monday, September 3rd at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear a talk by
> Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda:
>    The Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS) Cloud
> Abstract
> Over the next few years, a new model of buying and selling cloud computing
> resources will evolve. Instead of providers exclusively selling
> server-equivalent virtual machines for relatively long periods of time (as
> done in today's IaaS clouds), they will increasingly sell individual
> resources (such as CPU, memory, and I/O resources) for a few seconds at a
> time. We term this nascent economic model of cloud computing the
> Resource-as-a-Service (RaaS) cloud, and we argue that its rise is the
> likely culmination of recent trends in the construction of IaaS clouds and
> of the economic forces operating on both providers and clients.
> The paper appeared in HotCloud 2012. Joint work with Muli Ben-Yehuda,
> Assaf Schuster and Dan Tsafrir. The theoretical talk will be followed by a
> code walk-through of patch to memcached which makes it an application that
> can use the benefits of the RaaS cloud, which is joint work with Eyal
> Posener.
> ==============================**==============================**=====
> We meet in Taub building, room 6. For instructions see:
>**html <>
> Attendance is free, and you are all invited!
> ==============================**==============================**======
> Future lectures:
> 24/09/12 What more can industry learn from open source?: Yael
>          Vaya-Talmor
> 15/10/12 Adding Colors to Kademlia: Gil Einziger
> 29/10/12 Israeli Digital Rights NPO: Zvi Devir
> ==============================**==============================**======
> We are always interested in hearing your talks and ideas. If you wish to
> give a talk, hold a discussion, or just plan some event haifux might be
> interested in, please contact us at
> --
> Web:
> ______________________________**_________________
> Linux-il mailing list


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