So I played around with this to see what could be done within the existing
framework.  Here's what I've come up with...

The haml code looks like:

- define_template :titlebar do |content|
  %h1= content

- define_template :box do |title,content|
    .title= title
    .content= content

    = eval_template :titlebar,"My title"

    = eval_template :box,"My Eval Template Title" do
      My internal special content

    - sleep 2

    = eval_template :box,"Another box" do
      This is another box

The supporting code is surprisingly simple....

module Haml
  module Helpers
    class TemplateStore
        @blocks ||= {}
        @blocks[name] = *block

      def self.get(name)

    def define_template(name,&block),&block)

    def eval_template(name,*args,&block)
      if block_given?
        content = capture_haml(&block)
        args << content


It has room for improvement, but it's a start.


On 10/12/07, John Aughey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so the subject doesn't make total sense, but I have an idea of how to
> use haml to defer some of the layout decisions to an external template.
> Maybe this doesn't make sense either.  Here's an example.
> I have a site that puts content inside pretty boxes styled with CSS.
> In the haml code, it looks something like...
> .box
>   .title Title of the box
>   .content
>     Here's where all the content goes
> Which generates html
>     <div class='box'>
>       <div class='title'>"This is a test"</div>
>       <div class='content'>
>         All my content goes here
>       </div>
>     </div>
> This is all fine, but the haml code has too much layout logic for my taste.
> If I changed how a box were to be structured (maybe I want to use a *gasp*
> table), everywhere I put something inside this logical box would need to
> be modified.
> I'm proposing a new special character such as ! or whatever that passes the
> evaluated haml block to another template.  The new haml code for the above
> example would look like...
> !box Title of the box
>   Here's where all the content goes
> This really says what I mean.  I want a titled box with the following
> content.  The previous example put too much of the required layout of having
> several nested div sections in the code.
> The layout logic would go into another file or block that would be rendered
> inline with the same engine.  In this example, there would be a file
> _box.haml that looks like:
> .box
>   .title @args[0]
>   .content
>     @content
> So with this template defined of how a box is to be structured, I can then
> use this !box tag throughout my thousands of .haml files without worry.  If
> I need to modified how the box is structured to use some new CSS style or
> presentation, I only need to modify the above template.
> Rather than using an external file to render the template, it might be
> defined inline with the main haml code, so a single file haml source for
> this might look like:
> ^define_template :box
>   .box
>     .title @args[0]
>     .content
>       @content
> !box "Title for the box"
>   Content for the box
> I started to look at the haml source to make this modification, but the
> learning code was a little steep.  The advantage this has over Rails
> partials is the inclusion of the content block that can be inserted wherever
> the template feels it should be put and wrapped with whatever layout is
> necessary.
> John

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