I'm not sure that Haml generators are included with Rails 3 by default. This
might be your problem.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 3:21 PM, mori <mori.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In a new Rails 3 app I am having trouble getting the controller
> generator to use haml. When I run:
>  rails g controller home index -p
> I get:
>      create  app/controllers/home_controller.rb
>       error  haml [not found]
>      invoke  rspec ...
>      ...
> I did this:
>    * installed the latest version of the haml gem, v2.2.20
>    * added gem "haml" to Gemfile
>    * ran bundle install
>    * ran haml --rails <my_rails_app_dir>. This successfully
> installed ./vendor/plugins/haml/init.rb.
>    * added to application.rb:
>           config.generators do |g|
>               g.template_engine :haml
>           end
> I also tried Jacques Crocker's suggestion, no joy:
>      config/initializers/haml.rb:
>            Haml.init_rails(binding) if defined?(Haml)
> I'm a noob, so I  probably just did something simple wrong, but any
> suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks...
> --
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