
As a seasoned Sass user I wanted to try out the SCSS symtax.

Figuring that "Sass 3 introduces a new syntax known as SCSS which is
fully compatible with the syntax of CSS3", I took some HTML/CSS files
from an older project, dropped the CSS in the /src/ directory, renamed
them to .scss, and started the compiler.

(this is running the latest version of haml-edge and compass on a
standalone compass project)

haml -v returns Haml/Sass 2.3.205 (Classy Cassidy)
compass -v returns Compass 0.10.0 [9503512]

The compiler seems to be choking on code such as:





http://pastie.org/915669 (this might be a stretch, the semicolon hack
shouldn't even be there, but still, some projects require hacks like
this (e.g. if the amount of HTTP requests should be as minimal as

Now, I know my CSS can be a little bit "exotic" at times. Am I doing
something wrong or is the parser not "parsing good enough"?



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