Please disregard that last post. I copied and pasted from the example,
but failed to notice that the example set the option to :html5. I
fixed it in an initializer and everything is working great now. Thank
you for your patience with me....

On Dec 17, 5:51 pm, Raving Genius <> wrote:
> The instructions say to place some this
> `Haml::Template.options[:format] = :xhtml` in environment.rb, but do
> not say where. I tried placing it above and then below
> `MyApp::Application.initialize!`. When that didn't work, I tried
> placing it in application.rb, both inside the configuration block and
> after it. That didn't work, so I tried creating an initializer for it.
> This also didn't work, but at least it *felt* like it should go there.
> I triple-checked that the files where getting saved and also restarted
> Rails for each attempt, but the output never changes. What did I do
> wrong?

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