Regarding your first point, it can be done by "monkey patching" sass to
change how colors behave when output.

You could drop this into your compass config and I think it will do what you
need (this overwrites the rgba_str method for all colors):

module Sass::Script
class Color < Literal

    def rgba_str
      split = options[:style] == :compressed ? ',' : ', '


Regarding the second point, that's not valid CSS syntax so the parser is
going to barf on it, but you can kind of work around this by using strings
(not pretty, but functional):

background: unquote("qlineargradient(x1:#{$x1value}, y1:0, x2:1,
y2:1, stop:0 #{$from-color}, stop: 0.4 gray, stop:1 green)");

Hope that helps!


For what it's worth, Sass 3.1 does have a named argument syntax as well and
I hope we find an uptake in CSS someday of such a concept.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:05 PM, abierbaum <> wrote:

> I have been using sass (and compass) on several mobile web app
> projects and have loved it.  Recently I jumped back to a desktop
> application using Qt and decided to see if I could use sass to
> simplify the management of the stylesheets used in the application.
> Qt uses a CSS based styling syntax and most things are working fine.
> But I have run into two issues that I don't know how to handle and
> would appreciate any pointers or patches people could recommend that I
> used.  (I must confess that I don't know ruby, so writing the code
> myself would not be easy)
> 1) Qt's support for rgba() in a color requires a format like:
> QWidget {
>  color: rgba(255, 50, 0, 50%);
> }
> instead of the CSS standard
> QWidget {
>  color: rgba(255, 50, 0, 0.5);
> }
> I am fine with putting the colors into sass using the CSS formatting
> method, but is there any way to override the output from sass so it
> writes out the colors in the qt required format?
> 2) Qt stylesheets have a way to specify gradients that does not parse
> as valid CSS.  (see:
> For example:
> /* linear gradient from white to green */
>  QTextEdit {
>     background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1,
>                 stop:0 white, stop: 0.4 gray, stop:1 green)
>  }
> When I put this in an scss file and run it through sass, I get an
> "Invalid CSS after ..." error.
> Is there any way to extend sass to allow this to pass through the
> system?
> I really want to see if there is a way to bring the power of sass to
> Qt.  My stylesheets now are a complete mess with magic color variables
> and redundancies all over the place.  After seeing the power of sass/
> compass on my web apps it is driving me crazy trying to do things the
> old way. :)
> Thanks,
> Allen
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