On Jan 27, 8:52 pm, Nathan Weizenbaum <nex...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You should be able to handle this simply by adding using "- " for each line
> in the helper. You shouldn't need the multiline block syntax at all.


Yes, this was my first thought too.  I should have mentioned that I
tried this:

  = meta_tags(content_item) do
    - meta('keywords', content_item.keyword_list)
    - meta('eGMS.identifier.systemID', :egms_id)
    - meta(:language)
    - meta('DC.language')
    - meta('DCTERMS.modified')
    - meta('DCTERMS.description')
    - meta('DC.subject')
    - meta('DC.creator')

... but I get

compile error
/.../app/views/shared/_meta_tags.html.haml:13: syntax error,
unexpected kENSURE, expecting $end

Oh, wait ... html2haml added a comment as

- # Locals ...
  = meta_tags

Guess that would be it! D'oh... lesson learned, the moment kENSURE
turns up, look at the indents for *everything*...


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