I've been using @extend rather than @include because it cuts down the size 
of css files by only defining styles once. However, I find myself falling 
into messy code:

What I'll do is define a set of classes that I expect to reuse a lot; e.g.:

// (Using compass's border-radius mixin)

.br-2-2-0-0 {

  @include border-radius(2px 2px 0 0);


.br-0-0-2-2 {

  @include border-radius(0 0 2px 2px);


.br-2-0-0-2 {

  @include border-radius(2px 0 0 2px);


.br-0-2-2-0 {

  @include border-radius(0 2px 2px 0);


As you can see, after a while this can get a little excessive as I end up 
having to manually define 10-20 classes just for border radius. Now I would 
love it if I could do something like this instead:

#foo {

  @include my-border-radius(2px, 2px, 0, 0);


// ... which would define a top level class:

.br-2px-2px-0-0 {

  @include border-radius(2px 2px 0 0);


// ... and extend the current selector with that class:

#foo {

  @extend .br-2px-2px-0-0;



That way I could achieve the space saving in my css files that I get with 
extend, without having to maintain a crazy collection of classes. Also, 
another problem with my @extend way is that it limits the reusability of the 
code. If I want to use the border-radius classes in more than one stylesheet 
I have to copy/paste the code, or I'll end up with a bunch of unused classes 
in my css.

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