I'm using Haml, simple_form, and blueprint CSS and I want to create a
form helper to make coding form fields a bit easier.  I've already got
this working using a partial, but I thought it would be better to
generate all the code in the helper.

My idea was to generate a string of Haml code in the helper, then call
the Haml engine / insert the code into the template.  The following is
the data I want Haml'd, as generated by the helper:

  =f.label :drivers_name, "Driver:", :class => 'form_label'
  =f.input :drivers_name, :label=>false, :input_html=>{ :class =>
'form_field' }

(f is the form builder provided by simple_form.)

I can generate the string with the no problems, but I don't know how
to (or if I can) insert this text into the template so that Haml will
parse and include it in the document.

I thought of initializing a new engine and then including the result
in the output buffer, using
as a starting point, but that eventually errors out with "variable or
method 'f' not defined".

I  tried initializing a new Engine and then parsing the string
   e = Haml::Engine.new(string)
   s = e.send('parse')
but I get the error
  undefined method `tabs' for nil:NilClass

I tried a simple concat(string), but all that did was output the
string to the view [concat_with_haml() returned a 'not defined'
error]. Checking in with string.is_haml? I learned that the above
string is not considered to be Haml at all...?!

I figure I'm completely down the rabbit hole -- what am I missing


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