At 3:15 PM -0400 9/8/11, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
>We are migrating an app to Rails 3 and some classes of views need to be 
>rendered without self-closing tags.
>We have thins in mime_types.rb:
>  Mime::Type.register "text/xml", :otml
>We like to have haml use the :xhtml format when rendering a view like this and 
>the default for the application with other views?
>file: _show_otml.haml
>%OTQuestion{:local_id => ot_local_id_for(open_response)}
>  %prompt
>    %OTCompoundDoc
>      %bodyText= open_response.prompt
>Is this possible?

This problem is strange ... it seems to show up 
Haml::Template.options[:format]in rspec controller tests but not with curl ???

When I take a look at the response through the whole stack by using curl the 
returned XML comes back well-formed.

Here's a short extract where you can see the <OTCssText> element is self-closed:


    <OTCssText local_id='otml_css' src='/stylesheets/otml.css' />

I haven't initialized Haml::Template.options[:format] to anything so it's 
usingthe default value of :html5

But running this:

  bin/rspec spec/controllers/embeddable/open_responses_controller_spec.rb

The <OTCssText> element is not closed and is invalid XML

    <OTCssText local_id='otml_css' src='/stylesheets/otml.css'>

The spec test starts like this:

  it "renders the requested #{} as otml without 
error" do
    get :show, :id => "37", :format => 'otml'
    assigns[@model_ivar_name].should equal(@model_ivar)
    response.should render_template(:show)

The response.content_type is 'text/xml'

  response.header => {"Content-Type"=>"text/xml; charset=utf-8",
       "Cache-Control"=>"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}

However if I specifically set the Haml format to :xhtml in the spec test like 

  it "renders the requested #{} as otml without 
error" do
    Haml::Template.options[:format] = :xhtml
    get :show, :id => "37", :format => 'otml'
    assigns[@model_ivar_name].should equal(@model_ivar)
    response.should render_template(:show)

Now the response is well-formed XML.

It may be a problem with rspec, rspec-rails, haml or the 
ActionController::TestResponse rspec delagates to ???

I'd like to expect that I'll get the same rendered content running my tests as 
when the app runs.

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