Hi, i'm new with haml and i figured out my first problem:

Why this:
%image#grass{:height => "29.32", :width => "38.64", "xlink:href" =>
render properly:
<image height='29.32' id='grass' width='38.64' xlink:href='/assets/

But when added the "/" self-closing character:
%image#grass{:height => "29.32", :width => "38.64", "xlink:href" =>
render badly:
<image height='29.32' id='grass' width='38.64' xlink:href='/assets/

Another question which i already solved but may be the bad way:
How to declare xml/svg doctype? Currently i'm using plain text:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/

Is there a way, using Ruby on rails to do this more DRY?


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