
i have a problem when i am trying to compile my HAML project to HTML.

below is the screenshot of the error what i am getting when i trying to 
compile it

can anyone look into the below code and tell me what the mistake i did. 

=========My Default.haml Layout File========================

!!! 5
%html{:lang =>"en"}
%meta(name="generator" content="nanoc 3.1.6")
A Brand New nanoc Site - 
= @item[:title]
%script{:src => "js/jquery.js"}
%script{:src => "js/bootstrap-dropdown.js"}
%script{:src => "js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js"}
%script{:src => "js/bootstrap-collapse.js"}
%script{:src => "js/bootstrap-tooltip.js"}
%script{:src => "js/application.js"}
%script{:src => "js/bootstrap-tab.js"}
= yield


==================my index.haml content 
= render :partial => "shared/head"
%h1 A Brand New nanoc Site


i am very new to it and dont know how to solve it, can anyone pleasssssss 
help me out of this...


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