
I've been using HAML extensively for a very long time, but am puzzled by 
something and i finally decided to ask.

Let's say i want this:
<a ng-repeat='foo' ng-class='bar'>Hi there!</a>
This is easily translatable to HAML like this:
%a{ ng: { repeat: 'foo', class: 'bar' } } Hi!

However, I find myself in an awkward situation when i have to translate 
something like this:
<a ui-sref='foo' ui-sref-active='bar'>Hi!</a>
The only solution i have found so far is this, and i'm really not happy 
with it:
%a{ 'ui-sref'=>'foo', 'ui-sref-active'=>'bar' } Hi!

How would one model this very example with clean hashy syntax using HAML 
please? Is there an way to tell HAML to use something as our "anonymous" 
hash top-level value, eg:
%a{ ui: { sref: { special_sym: 'foo', active: 'bar' } } } Hi!

I have tried this:
%a{ ui: { sref: { ''=>'foo', active: 'bar' } } } Hi!
But it generates this:
<a ui-sref-='foo', ui-sref-active='bar'>Hi!</a>

How do you guys accommodate with this problem? Is there anything wrong in 
my approach / why?


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