Torsten Schrör dijo [Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 09:44:18PM -0800]:
> Hello engineerDave,
> thank for you quick response.
> But the convert from array to hash is not my problem.
> I try do write an global list.haml for all tables to reduce the code
> this is the list
> (...)
> an input a have an array of fieldnames an fields as an helper
>   def header(table)
>     h={'default'=>Array[Array['ID','id']]}
>     h['customer']=Array[Array['Name','name'],Array['Kundennr','reference']]
>     h['domain']=Array[Array['Name','name'],Array['Kunde',""] ]
>     @header=h[table]
>     @header=h['default'] if !@header || @header.count==0
>   end
> this works fine for normal fields(this meen fields in the table direct)
> but if i try do access to an referencetable this not works
> for instance
> direcly in  haml this works 
> -@domainlist.each do |d|
>   #{}
>   #{}
> my problem is, that i find no syntax to handle this with a variable.
> %h=b[h[1]]
> -> this works only for fields in the table, references are empty
> do you have an idea?

Ahh, right, welcome to the wonderful world of metaprogramming ;-)

In Ruby, you can "send" a string to arbitrary object, that is, you can
call the method of the corresponding name. Take this as an example:

  >> string = 'This is a string'
  => "This is a string"
  >> queries = ['length', 'reverse', 'empty?' ]
  => ["length", "reverse", "nil?"]
  >> {|q| string.send(q) }
  => [16, "gnirts a si sihT", false]

But be *very* aware that sending arbitrary strings to be called on an
object, specially if any user-defined data is involved, can become a
huge security liability.

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