Thanks for your suggestions about rescuing the old DVD drive..

I did eventually find a solution. Presumably because of the age of the 
hardware, Ubuntu was not identifying the drive correctly and although it 
was working for all applications that I tried, it didn't work with the 
movie player. The solution was to add "all_generic_ide" to the default 
entry in the /boot/grub/menu.lst. Movie player works well but VLC is 
very slow and jerky.

I will return the PC to it's family tomorrow. They have a shiny new 
Vista machine and it will be very interesting to see what use they make 
of the Ubuntu system now that it is available as an alternative when a 
queue forms.

It is impressive that a seven year old PC can still be useful and run up 
to date software. As a windows machine it had no practical use. With 
Linux it should last until the hardware gives up.


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