Mike Burrows wrote:
> Hi there all.
> I am following the instructions on the wiki page concerning this app.  I
> have run camserv /etc/camserv/camserv.cfg as root but dont see it
> showing as a process.  I may have a couple of issues but my first
> question is:
> Should it appear after typing ps -aux?
> needless to say http://localhost:9191 dont work neither.
> Mike

Sounds like you are trying to run the config file Mike.

Is there anything in /etc/init.d corresponding to camserv? Normally you
will be able to run /etc/init.d/<service> [start|stop|restart|...].


The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact 
mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.
Frank Zappa

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