On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 02:52:57PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:
> On Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 12:54:04 +0100, j...@camalyn.org wrote:
> > hi, as I have not yet managed to find someone for the job also shown
> > below I'm consequently re-posting. 
>    I think there comes a point when you either admit defeat, or
>   find other places to post.

>    I think posting job adverts on the list is a good thing, in
>   general, but this job has been posted numerous times with no
>   (apparent) success - that suggests either:

>     * Your requirements are too tight.
>     * Your pay is too low.
>     * Your target audience isn't here.

And to sclug and to oxlug.

James, please consider just using linuxj...@mailman.lug.org.uk instead
of each individual LUG near your area.


oOoOo        <seamonkey> ca suxx irssi y'a pas le autojoin         oOoOo
 oOoOo   <Yeiazel> ca sux seamonkey y'a pas l'anti-imbécilités    oOoOo
  oOoOo                                                          oOoOo
          htag.pl 0.0.24 ::::::: http://www.earth.li/~huggie/

Please post to: Hampshire@mailman.lug.org.uk
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