On Wednesday 29 April 2009 17:15:53 David Bell wrote:
> Lisi wrote:
> > And yes, I have tried to find a simple recorder in Linux.  It doesn't
> > seem to exist.
> Hello,
> What about GNOME Sound Recorder? (Command line: gnome-sound-recorder)
> It is about as simple as Windows' "Sound Recorder".
> Cheers,
> David Bell

Thanks for a potential life-line!  I did in fact try to install 
gnome-sound-recorder, but it appears not to be in the repositories for either 
PCLinuxOS or Lenny.

Still, if it would definitely be useful, I'll try to find the tar-ball and 
install it that way.  (I was getting very discouraged.  :-(  Getting the 
microphone going had been a nightmare of impenetrable jargon.)

But I had _much_ rather do it in Linux.


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