On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 12:43 +0100, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a system where "kill -9 pid" as root, is not working.
> As a result, even the reboot command also does nothing.
> Does anyone know why this might happen?

If a program gets caught in uninterruptible sleep, it cannot be killed.
I believe that this usually happens when the process is in kernel mode
doing waiting on some I/O and killing it at that point would result in
an inconsistency. Generally D-sleep shouldn't last long...

> renice seems to work, in that reading the new priority shows that the
> priority has changed.
> I can remotely connect to the system so it is functioning quite well
> up to a point.
> "sync" also just hangs.

This should not happen. Perhaps some part of the kernel is deadlocked?!
If you find out what's gone wrong, you should probably report a kernel
bug. Is any part of the filesystem remote?


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