On Saturday 15 August 2009 00:38:07 Chris Dennis wrote:
> Hello folks
> I'm planning to use one or more external USB hard drives to backup a
> headless server running Debian.  I'll probably use rsnapshot, with a
> script that detects for the presence of the right drive.
> But how can the server tell the user when it is safe to unplug the
> drive?  Or maybe the user should somehow tell the server "I want to
> unplug the drive -- stop using it and unmount it".
> The user's only way of communicating with the server is by email or
> possibly via Webmin.
> Has anyone come up with a cunning plan to deal with this?
> cheers
> Chris
> --
> Chris Dennis                                  cgden...@btinternet.com
> Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UK

I would have thought that when your backup script is complete it would be easy 
enough to add an unmount command and a mail command to the end of the script. 
Thus the server unmounts the disk and e-mails the user to tell them that it's 
been removed.


Tim B.

OpenPilot - Open-source Marine Chart Plotter
Lead Developer

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