Hi all,
I have been constantly updating my bashrc on lots of machines by hand,
and have got fed up with it so am thinking about putting it in source

Can anyone recommend a source control program that would suit this
specifically. I will probably keep a few more files, like vimrc, in
there too, but only want a few files from my homedir in source
control, so dont want something that will complain about the rest of
my homedir not being checked in.

svn comes to mind, as I prefer it over cvs, but I have little
experience with git or bzr so wanted opinions as to whether they might
be more suitable.

I will probably use one server as a central store, so I don't need it
to be distributed like git.


Anton Piatek
email: an...@piatek.co.uk       
blog/photos:                    http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [0xB307BAEF]       (http://www.strangeparty.com/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 116A 5F01 1E5F 1ADE 78C6 EDB3 B9B6 E622 B307 BAEF

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