

This is your one week reminder that our first meeting of 2010 will take place 
next Saturday (2010/01/16) at Southampton University between 10:00 and 16:30.

As I said previously we have a special guest speaker making the trip over from 
the Isle of Wight, so I hope we will be able to give him a warm reception and 
make his trip worth while.

  Daniel James: "director of 64 Studio Ltd, a company that produces a
  64–bit GNU/Linux distribution designed specifically for creative users,
  and does custom development work for OEMs with multimedia products. He
  worked on LinuxUser & Developer magazine for around seven years, serving
  as editor from autumn 2005 until early 2007.

  Over the last few years, his media work has expanded to include a
  long–held interest in sound recording, with several music and voice–over
  projects completed at his own studio. He also contributes regular articles
  on music recording and related technology to Linux Format and Sound on
  Sound magazines."

I have a selection of books for review from both O'Reilly and APress, I will 
also be able to collect any books that you would like to return.

As ever please send your details to Damian so he can let campus security know 
who plans to attend (you do want to get in?) and if you plan to use a wireless 
network connection please provide him with the MAC address.


Adam Trickett
  Chairman, Hampshire Linux Users Group

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LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk

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