On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 17:40:00 +0000
Kelly Dunlop <ke...@xyzzy.org.uk> wrote:

> Hope you enjoyed the sea bass :-)

yes thanks Kelly 

we got pack of 5 from Aldi just before the local store
closed due to "lack of customers" Shame 'cos they were just 100 yards
walk from our front door so ideal for getting the daily 'pinta'

We have only had bass before in a restaurant and so far as I remember
well filleted so no bones to speak of. 

It was a bit of a pain to ensure no bones in each mouthful but once
done the flesh was delicious. We had a good measure of oily fish today
and it went down well with a (large) glass of chardonnay :-)

John Lewis
using Debian sid 

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