-----Original message-----

From:   Damian Brasher

> model name    : VIA Esther processor 1000MHz
> stepping      : 9
> cpu MHz               : 800.000
> cache size    : 128 KB
> To up the number of services I can comfortably run I will upgrade to 1.5Mhz.

Wishful thinking, 1.5GHz CPU minimum for a small office (10 users) and 
unlimited services. I'll have to attach a Current Cost device to monitor our 
internal production and development environment, also for appliance 
development. We are down to 3 x constantly running CPU's (8 in total) powering 
between 12 & 18 x OS instances. We use long battery life, sub-smart phones at 
the moment


Interlinux Ltd - DIASER - Zentyal - Red Hat

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