I currently backup my entire desktop to a "sever" sitting downstairs.
I work on (mostly photos) locally on the desktop and then back them up
to the downstairs machine which has raided disks (as I don't trust
disks, I have had too many fail).

This means I need 3 disks to store data on.
The thought just occurred that perhaps I should get rid of the disk
from the machine upstairs, or at least make it a minimal boot-only and
swap disk.
How fast a network do I need to make this work sensible? Is gigabit
network enough?
Photo processing is quite data intensive, especially when batching
conversion on my 6 core desktop, currently I think the disk I/O is my
limit to go faster.


Anton Piatek
email: an...@piatek.co.uk
blog/photos:            http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [74B1FA37]    (http://www.strangeparty.com/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 7401 96D3 E037 2F8F 5965  A358 4046 71FD 74B1 FA37

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