On Friday 02 Mar 2012, Imran Chaudhry wrote:
> Thanks Adam,
> Are there going to be any talks at this meeting? Do we have use of the
> seminar room?
> I was thinking of giving a quick talk on "10 ways to make Debian more
> useful" (or "10 ways to make Debian more like Ubuntu" :-) - basically a
> collection of tips/solutions I scraped together when I went from Ubuntu
> Lucid Lynx to Debian Squeeze as my main laptop OS.

No talks planned but we can easily do one in the main room.

Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK

I've found that people who are great at something are
not so much convinced of their own greatness as
mystified at why everyone else seems so incompetent.
        -- Paul Graham, "Great Hackers" 2004

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