> My netgear dg834 frequently loses the connection.
These are AR7-chipset routers, they can work really
  well on certain types of long-lines apparently, but
  not for others,  this sort of problem is normal
  depending on the combination of your line and the
  router/chipset in use...

It is a pain to get OpenWRT working on a DG834Gv2/v3 but it
  does work (generally not including the wireless).  BUT
  it CAN be done and DOES work for IPv6 reliably.

You often have to patch or replace the bootloader on those
  units which is not easy, e.g. the Replace with PSPBOOT-
  fun...  JTAG to fix/reflash, etc...

I had this version running for ages:-
(But, since then, 10.3.1 has been properly released).

> Does WRT have QOS on it?
Err.. You can do basically anything flash-space-permitting on
  openwrt.  ;-).
I saw various scripts for various QoS setups but never tried
  it myself.

> The old dg834 doesn't have it and it would be useful to
> tame errant users in this household :)

> Martin N


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