On 03/20/12 11:43, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:

Sometimes, a network will have black holes in the sense that say,
packet sizes up to 0-1400 get through, 1400-1404 fail, and 1405-1500
get through.
You can find these holes using ping with DF bit set and various sized pings.
If you find problems, you then fix them so all sizes get through.
Does anyone know of a tool that will automatically scan all packet
sizes and report the result?

I use libipq (on Linux boxes) with Perl (most of the time) or C.

Its inline with something like : iptables -A OUTPUT -j QUEUE which passes packets to userspace.

Then I write some code to inspect the packets and, if needed, manipulate them.

Its actually the onld fashioned way, AFAIK netlink is the way to go nowadays.

Either way, its really worth a look.



ps. James, i'm testing those boards this week, will let you know what choices are available.

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