Apologies for the cross-post but I'm aware that there are a number of people on 
this list who are into hacking/making/tinkering. 

We're trying to get a Southampton Hacker/Makerspace off the ground, so we're 
about to start talks with Southampton University regarding potential early 
support. If you like making, modding or tinkering (be that software, hardware, 
textiles, Art, ...), could you take between 20 seconds and 3 minutes out to 
fill in our survey? Only the first 2 questions are required.


If you know anyone else who would be interested, please forward the survey on 
to them!

The post above links to the survey, it also has a map showing the locations of 
the nearest hackerspaces, confirming that a Southampton hackerspace could be 
great for everyone in the surrounding area - not just people living in 
Southampton! The post also contains Wikipedia's definition of a hackerspace, in 
case you're not familiar with the term.

Thanks, and sorry for the interruption,

Please post to: Hampshire@mailman.lug.org.uk
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LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk

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