On 14/04/13 13:35, Stephen Davies wrote:
Shame on you. No one in their right mind does that. :)

Take the time to go to Novatech and see what they have to offer.

Fair point Steve, although in my defence I was only doing that while Caroline was ogling fridges in Currys (which shares the same physical store), and she was only doing that while Sam was buying some Sennheiser headphones, which were somewhat surprisingly cheaper there than online!

We are looking for something physically lighter than the Acer beast she currently owns, and preferably unencumbered with the bizarre (known) battery issues that have plagued it since very early on, whereby you have to remove said battery and discharge the static from the machine to boot it every so often.

Anyway, the point is that we were hefting them, just to get a feel for weight and build. When she has a better idea of what she wants, we will doubtless go to a proper store and buy one.

Heh, it was refreshing to leave Currys/PCWorld not shaking a fist and ranting, like I usually do!


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