I checked my self hosted WordPress blog and it was fine, is WordPress
really the reason?

Anton Piatek

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On 23 Jul 2014 17:41, "Stephen Davies" <stephen.dav...@ultraconsulting.co.uk>

>  There were a lot of posts on the Interwebs about the fact that most
> people are not using the mandatory [redacted] filters at the ISP's.
> Some of the commenters complained that the likes of Talk-Talk were
> blocking their wordpress blogs for no good reason other than the fact that
> they were running Wordpress.
> I checked my  blog via
> https://www.blocked.org.uk
> and found that Sky were blocking it. I have requested that the block is
> removed or at least they explain why it is blocked.
> If they decline to unblock it then I'll have good really ammo to fire at
> them the next time someone tries to get me to sign up for Sky.
> If you have a wordpress blog then you might like to check that it is not
> being blocked by an ISP.
> Regards,
>   Stephen D
> PS, just updated the MacMini that runs the blog to CentOS 7. I'm really
> glad that I don't install a GUI on this box. Long live Gnome 2!
> --
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