On 22/08/14 16:31, Peter Alefounder wrote:
Gordon Scott <gor...@gscott.co.uk> said:
But here's the thing.  I've used a mouse for many years now and with the
amount of clicking increasing as more and more applications fail to
offer a key-press alternative and/or applications are so complex one
can't remember them all anyway, has left me with some wrist problems.
Assuming you are right-handed, try using the mouse with your left hand.
No doubt it will take a while to get used to, but may save some trouble

Peter Alefounder.

I'm right-handed and I learned to use the mouse with my left hand some decades ago because I needed to write things down. It was difficult the first day, easy by the third and has been preferable ever since. Whether you swap the mouse buttons around is up to you.

But you need to fix the wrist problems; you don't want it happening to your left hand too!

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