
So I've resisted buying a Pi until now because I have way too much junk in the house I bought and never really used and given the way the Pi has changed since it was first launched that was probably a good plan.

However now I have something I want a low power always on wifi enabled device for and I'm think a Raspberry Pi fits the bill.

So where is the best place to buy one?

I'm happy to buy one from a real shop if there is one I can visit easily and won't make me pay significantly over the odds (hello Maplin) or order online. I'm an Amazon Prime member so ordering from Amazon is easy and delivery is free, but honestly I try not to buy everything from Amazon just on principal.

I'm looking for a Pi with wifi (Pi 3 model B?) an SD card for it and a power supply, I don't need a case but if the cheapest/easiest way to get what I want is some kind of starter kit that includes a case that's fine.

I really don't want an HDMI cable (I have too many already) or a Keyboard or mouse as once setup the Pi will run headless and be administered via SSH.

So recommendation please?


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