Hi Roger,

I shouldn't worry about your son's opinion on that unless he's willing to do it for you.

These days everything seems very 'phone-centric, so a pragmatic answer might bi 'phone or tablet and a Bluetooth speaker.  There are some quite good speakers from Bose and JBL, but even at my 67 years, I find the sound quality of my Bose Revolve leaves something to be desired.  I've ripped most my CDs into .ogg format onto my fileserver, though with hindsight .flac would have been a better format. The .ogg files of around 4000 tracks uses about 23G.

There are multi-room systems, but I know little more about them than I'm not paying that much to replace my very nice traditional Hi-Fi system.

Good ear-buds may be the cheapest and most pragmatic solution of the lot. There are some excellent wireless in-ear monitoring systems for musicians, from the likes of AKG, Shure, Sennheiser, though then you have a small body-pack and a short cable to wear.


On 17/12/2019 23:08, Roger Munford via Hampshire wrote:
My son is back for Christmas and is disgusted that his parents are shuffling around listening to occasional you tube videos on You tube.

I had actually been planning to attend to this at some stage with a project based around the raspberry pi, small amps and a tuner. However it has been pointed out that it could be years before that gets done so I am seeking advice on what is available for a quick fix.

What I have in mind is ceiling mounted speakers in the lounge a kitchen and possible bathroom. Oldies have limited frequency response so quality is probably not a priority.

At the moment I switch on the 40 year old radio by punching the on off switch and get instant reaction. I would like to duplicate that.

I would also like to be able to access the BBC iplayer, you tube and other internet services. There is also a pile of CDs that would have to be somehow available for occasional use.

Any suggestions from "persevere with the raspberry pi it is really not that difficult" to the hardware involved in a DIY  or a commercial solution and where to get it would be very helpful.

I am sorry that I have not even started my own research but this has sort of come up unexpectedly.

Seasons Greetings

Roger Munford

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