> I’ve looked at:
> * HDD (the cheapest and most fragile)

A powered off hard drive isn't necessarily that fragile.  Otherwise
some kind of RAID of >8TB drives would do nicely, maybe coupled with
something like rsnapshot.

> * Tape (the dearest but prone to mechanical failure) and
> * Cloud (privacy issues and would mean an ongoing cost as well as a dreadful 
> time to upload (16Tb over a 16MBps upload is no joke – and would mean a lot 
> of checksums to make sure it was all ok once uploaded).

Have a look at backblaze.com, they offer some very compelling pricing.
Sure the initial sync is going to be slow, but I doubt your daily
churn is horrific enough to cause issues once you've synced initially.
Even holding data for a long time is going to be more cost effective
than Tape.

Backblaze has also been pretty cool in the past for publishing their
server chassis designs and huge amounts of disk drive failure

> What I need to know is if I’ve missed an “obvious” solution?   Is SD card 
> reliable for long term storage.

Flash memory is not considered safe for offline archive storage.


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