> I have decided that I can modify my requirements. It seems that
> getting a computer with Debian already installed is not possible.
> There was a company in the USA that would do that, but they have
> gone out of business. In any case, I now think it is not Debian
> that provides what I want, but KDE: multiple desktops, focus
> follows mouse and Konqueror. Ubuntu can be made usable.
> Aidan said:
> > Here's some links that might be worth exploring (in no particular order)
> >
> > UK, Linux OEM
> > https://starlabs.systems/#
> >
> > https://www.entroware.com/store/
> >
> > https://junocomputers.com/uk/

Just in case there is any interest in this: I did not like what
either Entroware or Juno Computers had to offer, and instead took
the existing machine to Unicorn Electronics in Portswood, where
Simeon Rush changed the RAM (I now have 2 x 4GB instead of 2 x 2GB),
cleaned the heat sink and replaced the thermal paste. I think dust
on the heat sink had led to hot air being directed at the RAM, which
may have been causing trouble before.

The computer then worked for a short time, when the monitor, or maybe
its power supply, failed. It was 19 years old, with a new power supply 
in 2013. I now have a new monitor.

Simeon Rush says he could supply a SSD with an up to date Linux system,
an offer I may well accept at some point. I understand a new Debian
version has just been produced.

Peter Alefounder.

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