2007/11/20, Truong Anh Tuan <dtanh at yahoo.com>:>
> I googled the phrase "ata1.00: tag 0 cmd 0xb0 Emask 0x1 stat 0x51 err 0x4
> (device error)" and tried some instructions. However, the problem has not
> been solved. My server often still gets dump.
I got a search run and found this:


Arcording to this page, your problems may be one of:

1. HDD broken
2. The compatibility between the HDD and the SATA controller is not good.
3. SATA driver.

And it is suggested that you want to check your HDD with tools like Seatools


Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu
An inquisitive look at Harajuku

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