Hi all,

We see HanoiLUG has been more active for few years, especially, since last year.

I think David's answers are enough. However, anyone may amend to make them 
After getting all amendment, Bac Quynh, please respond this on behalf of 

 Kind regards,
Weblog: http://blog.iwayvietnam.com/tuanta/

----- Original Message ----
From: David Tremblay <da...@ngowiki.net>
To: Hanoi Linux Users Group <hanoilug at lists.hanoilug.org>
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 5:58:51 PM
Subject: Re: [HanoiLUG] Inquiry about Hanoilug (From BeijingLug for Zdnet Asia)

Le vendredi 25 avril 2008 ? 14:21 +0700, Vu Do Quynh a ?crit :
> Hi all,
> I received an inquiry from Frederic Muller, President of the Beijing  
> Linux user group (BLUG) as follows:
> ===Citation===
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Frederic Muller <fred at beijinglug.org> 
> wrote:
> Good morning everyone!
> I want to thank this group for being so responsive. To answer the questions
> I can see in this email exchange, yes I would love to be introduced to the
> HanoiLUG (and also the HoChiMinh LUG - but the HanoiLUG can probably do
> that) and I have been in contact with Soon-Son Kwon (Shawn) from kldp.org in
> Korea.
> The purpose of contacting all those LUGs is for Victoria Ho from ZDNet Asia
> to write a second article (she wrote a first one which you can find here:
> http://www.zdnetasia.com/news/software/0,39044164,62039551,00.htm ) about
> LUGs in Asia. I believe there are a lot more than just 3 LUGs to talk about
> and one problem Victoria had, is that people did not send any response to
> her emails.
> I therefore offered my help in order to give credits to all the people like
> us who need to be represented and show we are a strong and united community.
> Victoria has 4 questions to ask to LUGs and I am just trying to get in
> touch with as many as possible (already contacted about 25-30 LUGs in Asia)
> and get the answers by the end of this month if possible.
> The 4 questions are:
> * How was 2007 for your group?
> * What are some changes you foresee in your plans for 2008?
> * How has membership changed in the last few years? More vocal now?
> More
> members now?
> * Is the focus of your group discussion changing from a few years?

> Looking forward to hear from Japanese LUGs, and soon Vietnamese LUGs.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Frederic Muller
> Beijing LUG President
> Yonghe Plaza - Room C609
> 28 Andingmen dong da jie - DongCheng District
> Beijing China 100007
> m: (86) 139 1001 8393
> t: (86) 10-84195025-6
> w: www.beijinglug.org
> ==End of citation==
> So, Obviously we are going to write a draft and submit it to the list  
> before sending it to Fred Muller. So we can have some discussion under  
> this thread.

?I think the question should be translated to vietnamese so everyone can
speak freely

> * How was 2007 for your group?

Very good, more media exposure more members, more activities. More
active members too and new initiatives. We receive funding too. 

> * What are some changes you foresee in your plans for 2008?

We don't really have plan we're a self help group, but some people wish
we become more active at creating solution to help and to be more
involved in the overall linux community

We also receive donation from Intel in the form of a server and Netnam -
a local ISP, in term of bandwidth to create an official mirror for the
two most popular gnu/linux distro in Hanoi.

> * How has membership changed in the last few years? More vocal now?
>  More members now?

More member and certain more members that use not to talk. The one who
talk keep talking, There's a majority of lurkers but it is accepted

> * Is the focus of your group discussion changing from a few years?

Not really different the main topic is to fix traditional issue
vietnamese have with computing under linux.
However with the involvement of certain members in the overall GNU/linux
community I think its changing to a more proactive role

HanoiLUG mailing lists: http://lists.hanoilug.org/mailman/
HanoiLUG wiki: http://wiki.hanoilug.org/
HanoiLUG blog: http://blog.hanoilug.org/
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