I know that why the underlying hardware is still the same, the software
demands grow up. But in this case, why should newer version of Ubuntu is
slower? The kernel should not be the problem here, right? Then it might be
the software, but I don't think the different between OO 2.4 and 3.0 is that
great, sometimes newer version is even leaner than it predecessor (firefox 3
?), or maybe it is because of GNOME?

I asked this not to complain or anything, if I need somethings lightweight
and fast, I will use Xface (actually I'm downloading Xubuntu right now), but
this trend is not good, IMO. I can understand why Windows getting slower
with each version (heavy changes in architecture, adding more bloat etc...)
but there aren't that many changes that require better hardware in Ubuntu,
if I am not wrong. They can start by remove un neccessary programs in
default installation like support for Palm etc...

> It's quite sure that Ubuntu 8.04 is more RAM consuming than previous
> versions. If you get 1 Gb RAM, you'll see that > 700 MB of RAM is
> already used by the system after having booted to the GNOME desktop
> environment.

How strange, my system after booting up with Ubuntu 7.10 consume ~171MB Ram
(with Compiz), no swap used, while with Ubuntu 8.04 the number is ~225MB Ram
(compiz), still no swap used.
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