On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Jean Christophe Andr? <
jean-christophe.andre at auf.org> wrote:

> nguyen.hong.quang at auf.org a ?crit :
> > Very interesting document. However,the name of the doc on the server
> > has problem "owf_roadmap_20020.pdf". Year 20020 is a bit too far, no ?
> :-)
> >
> Yep, I also hope these estimations will come sooner than that! :-D


I think you guys have something for details, everyone knows that in year
20020, everything will be open sourced even several Operating system used
throughout the galaxy.

have a nice day


David Tremblay

IT analyst
mob: 418-208-3631
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