2008/11/13 Jean Christophe Andr? <jean-christophe.andre at auf.org>

>       Dear Ngh?a,
> Nghia Le Trung a ?crit :
> > Ch?o b?n Hu?n Tr??ng,
> > B?n c? th? s? d?ng filter ?? kh?ng ph?i ??c b?t k? th? n?o t?i g?i m?
> > kh?ng nh?t thi?t ph?i unsubscribe ra kh?i mailing list
> > Ch?c b?n th?nh c?ng
> Please do not tell people to just filter out other people or let them
> think unsubscribe this mailing-list being another way to get out from
> *your* posts harassing them! This mailing-list is *not* dedicated to
> your posts, but to discussions between its members, who freely
> subscribed to it.

Dear JC,
Actually I don't want anybody unsubscribe this mailing list and always
understand that the mailing list is not dedicated for me and/or any
*special* member.

> Personally I like your posts, even if my Vietnamese is not good enough
> yet to get the most of it. But I can only *agree* with people asking for
> a way to unsubscribe from them!
> So, from now on, *I ask you* politely to only post your blog information
> in this mailing-list when your post is a *request for comments*, and not
> when it's just to make a simple duplication out of your blog.
> People who want to follow your quite interesting and frequent
> information can do it at your site which we all already now being
> accessible from http://360.yahoo.com/ltnghia
> By the way, if you want some dedicated mailing-list on the HanoiLUG
> server, just ask and I'll create one for you. You could also use the
> currently unused foss-vi at lists.hanoilug.org mailing list, especially
> since your posts are always in Vietnamese.

Thanks, I'll use this mailing list.

> Best regards, J.C.
> --
> Jean Christophe "????" ANDR?   ? ? ?   Responsable technique r?gional
> Bureau Asie-Pacifique (BAP)    ? ? ?   http://www.asie-pacifique.auf.org/
> Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF)  ? ? ?  http://www.auf.org/
> Adresse postale : AUF, 21 L? Th?nh T?ng, T.T. Ho?n Ki?m, H? N?i, Vi?t Nam
> T?l. : +84 4 9331108  ?  Fax : +84 4 8247383  ?  Cellul. : +84 91 3248747
> ? Note personnelle: merci d'?viter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint ?
> ? ou Word, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.fr.html ?
> _______________________________________________
> POST RULES : http://wiki.hanoilug.org/hanoilug:mailing_list_guidelines
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> HanoiLUG mailing lists: http://lists.hanoilug.org/
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> HanoiLUG blog: http://blog.hanoilug.org/
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