Hi, Binh
There is'n any telephone number attached with an Agenda.

2008/11/9 Vu The Binh <binh at netnam.vn>

> Dear all,
> This is our pleasure to attached here the invitation and tentative
> agenda for the FOSS-Bridge EU-Vietnam Special Workshop on FRIDAY,
> 14-NOV-2008 at Hanoi Horison Hotel, 40 Cat Linh, Hanoi.
> This WORKSHOP will be the chance for participants to discover the
> results and value of FOSS-Bridge EU-Vietnam, a project funded by EU and
> Ministry of Economic & Co-operation Development of Germany.
> This WORKSHOP will be also the chance to discover the FOSS network
> between EU and Vietnam via the FOSS-Bridge, and the regional network by
> IOSN (International Open Source Network).
> Anyone interested in attending this only-one-day WORKSHOP, please drop
> an e-mail with the Subject: Registration and with names, organization,
> contact information in the body to the address CONTACT at FOSS-BRIDGE.ORG,
> or make a call for confirmation to the number stated in the attached
> Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend,
> Binh.
> --
> Vu The Binh
> Project Manager, FOSS-Bridge EU-Vietnam
> Institute of Information Technology
> 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi
> (T) 043-7561535 (F) 043-7561888
> (E) binh at netnam.vn, (W) www.foss-bridge.org
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