

This is from the introduction on that page :

"In 2009, the 10th Libre Software Meeting (LSM) will take place between
July 7th and July 11th in Nantes, France ! An event managed by the
Linux-Nantes Association, with active support from Free, Libre and Open
Source Software users’ associations from the whole country...

The organisation committee wants to provide a 10th edition oriented on
migration and change management to FLOSS. Like each year, conferences,
round tables, and workshops will be proposed to the visitors during 5 days."

I will present (in French) a speech though videoconferencing on the
status and perspectives of Free softwares in Vietnam on Wednesday 8th
July, from 14h40 til 15h20 (Vietnam Time). The presentation slides will
be in French and English and can be viewed locally on the CNF computers.
I will tentatively produce a Vietnamese version that will be hopefully
ready by the beginning of the next week (on the 7th of July ?). Links
will be announced later when everything will be on line.

You are invited to join this videoconference on FOSS in Vietnam at the
CNF center, as you may contribute to the discussion part and possibly
answer questions from abroad. CNF will also provide public access to the
4 videoconferences scheduled for the afternoon in Vietnam :

1) Free educational software in Taiwan (English, from Taiwan : 2:00-2:40 pm)
2) Libre Software In Vietnam: Status And Future (French, from Hanoi :
2:40-3:20 pm)
3) Project Learn Free and some of its advantages (English, from Sofia
Bulgaria : 3:20-4:00 pm)
4) Migration des cyber-espaces vers Linux et logiciels libres (French,
from Yaoundé in Cameroon : 4:10-5:00 pm)

There will be free coffee and drinks (no alcohol however). If you intend
to come, please send me a private email for the organization (thanks in

You may also follow the whole programme of 8 videoconferences,
especially the 4 other videoconferences scheduled in the evening
(Vietnam Time), on July 8th from your own PC through the following links
(only available on the 8th of July, of course):

----------- WEB COMPAGNON ---------------
-- *streaming, document, chat, etc.*

------------- STREAMING -----------------
-- (RealPlayer ou QuickTime) Works also with VLC (Windows/GNU Linux) :
(384 Kbts/s)
(768 Kbts/s)

-- The Code PIN to access the visioconference is : 4830 (followed by #),
if necessary!

The whole programme of the RMLL 2009 can be found here:

You may then search the string "videoconferencing" to find all their
schedule (attention: hours are given in France time zone, GMT+2, so you
have to add 5 hours to have the Vietnam time zone).

This is the first time that a system of videoconference will be
experimented for the LSM meeting, with the assistance of AUF.

Please forward this information to whom it might interest, especially
French-speaking people :-)

Best regards

M. VU DO Quynh
AUF (Tổ chức hợp tác ĐH Pháp ngữ)
Campus numérique francophone (CNF) de Hanoi
Nhà D, ngõ 42 Tạ Quang Bửu
Tél.: (84-4) ; Fax: (84-4)

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