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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nguyễn Châu An <>
To: SaigonLUG Mailing List <>,
    Saigon SFD <>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 02:59:04
Subject: [saigonlug] Fwd: [Marketing] April 17, 2011 meeting minutes
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Software Freedom Day 2011 Marketing Committee Meeting Minutes.
The next meeting will be in May 1st, 2011. If anyone want to join us,
please feel free. :-)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Marketing] April 17, 2011 meeting minutes
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 01:31:53 +0800
From: Pockey Lam <>
Reply-To: The SFD marketing committee list <>
To: The SFD marketing committee list <>

Dear all,

Please find below the meeting notes for today. It was indeed a very good
meeting and very productive! We will have our meeting every other week,
on Sunday UTC 1400. Next meeting will be on May 1st 2011 Sunday.  In
order to save time, let's update by email of everybody's action items
before next meeting.

You may check out the log from
If I missed anything, please feel free to add it in the above wiki page.
Thank you everybody who participated and see you next meeting!

  April 17, 2011 Meeting


    * Date of open registration (5 mins)
    * Contributors recruitment, ideas and communication channels (20 mins)
          o Web team
          o Documentation team (create new contents for website / wiki)
          o Localization team
          o Graphic design team (design web banners / count down,etc.)
          o Press release team (prepare and promote press release)
          o Sponsorship / partnership team (to help to get local
            sponsors / partners)
          o Admin team e.g. writing meeting notes of the regular meeting
          o Others
    * Goodies selection (based on survey results) for 2011 (5 mins)
    * Regular date / time of our upcoming bi-weekly meetings (5 mins
    * The following items moved to next meeting:
          o Promotion / marketing ideas (including SFD marketing
          o Competition prizes (based on survey results) for 2011 (5 mins)


    * Fred
    * Pockey
    * annuyen
    * buldo
    * cdrigby
    * kjcole
    * leandronunes_br
    * verow
    * murphnj
    * mike_uk
    * lumjjb
    * rjian


    * UTC 1400 - UTC 1600 (2 hours as members were available)

    Action items


      Our next meeting: 1st May Sunday UTC 1400 and <cdrigby> will take
      note for next meeting (thanks cdrigby)


      LeandroNunes <>_br
      to create a wiki page and then everybody to work on a list of
      press network and help to spread the word for SFD (write down the
      press titles and who's responsible for that contact. fred
      suggested that it shouldn't be publicly available then, if they
      are people names and emails

    * Fred to work on script of registration of sfd teams

      Fred to create a mailing list for localization & graphic design
      teams and then call for helpers

    * pockey to quote for iron-labels for tshirts
    * mike_uk to proof read English texts of start-guide
    * For logo 2011, Verow, lumjjb to replace that font and offer a
      replacement current of next week

      Fred to add a translate help link (with reference to for registration page


      Fred to continue talking to Novell and Red Hat (and other distro)
      about shipping OpenSuse
      <> CDs and other cds

    * Art team to work on 2011 goodies design and banners / count down
      once the logo is finalized
    * We target to open registration in May (once announcement,
      logistics, goodies items, registration scripts are ready)
    * cdrigby and verrow to subscribe to the webber list

      Those who would like to contribute to web related stuff please
      subscribe to

    * Localization team to work on localizing the contents of 1) generic
      website 2) startguide 3) other wiki content 4) slides and other
      multi media contents for marketing / presentation purpose
    * The Webbers to explore meetbot to take notes in the future

      Everybody to improve and complete the start-guide

    * Everybody to help to explore local sponsors for SFI if there is any

      Everybody: If anybody wants to have admin right to edit marketing
      committee wiki pages, please send us your wiki user name to be
      added to the MarketingGroup

    * Everybody to think about competition prizes and suggest in next
    * Everybody to update their action items by email before next
      meeting to save time

    Meeting notes

    * We discussed about registration open date. Everybody is okay to
      open registration in May (once announcement, logistics, goodies
      items, registration scripts are ready)
    * Web team (webbers)
          o cdrigby and verrow offered to help on web stuff
            (c.david.rigby(at), will subscribe to the webber
            mailing list as next step
    * Localization team:
          o Fred mentioned that for localization there are 3 areas:
            standard website, wiki guides and then extra materials for
            marketing and slides
          o the priority should be: standard website first, then wiki
            guide, then extra materials for marketing and slides
          o for start guide, mike_uk offered to proof read English
            texts, once it's proof read, we can announce it to the
            localization team to localize it
          o Annguyen takes care of Vietnamese by end of May

            For registration, everybody agreed to keep English as main
            language, and it is suggested to add a reference translate
            link e.g.

          o verow will help with french (vero.rustines(at)
          o buldo will help with italian (andrea.libralato(at)
          o leandronunes_br can help with Portuguese and Spanish
    * Art team:
          o verow can help with doc and graphic
          o lumjjb(at) will help with graphic
          o leandronunes_br can help with graphic design
          o Fred will create graphic design mailing list and invite
            members to join as next step

            we showed logo of 2011

                + In general members like the logo it's simple. While f
                  is not very clear though
                + Action Item would be to replace that font and offer a
                  replacement current of next week (action by Verow,
                + we can consider to have two versions, one long one
                  short (sfd), one square and one rectangle
          o once the logo is ready, we will start to work on goodies
            design and banners design
    * Admin team:
          o For admin, we'll need someone to coordinate meetings and
            take notes, upload log. It is suggested to have one person
            volunteer for each meeting, we will recruit upcoming meeting
            helper end of each meeting
    * Documentation team:
          o we will keep using marketing mailing, tasks related to
            contents for website, wiki, slides, etc

            cdrigb offered to help <c.david.rigby(at)>

    * Sponsorship team:
          o if anybody have local sponsors who would love to sponsor SFD
            on a global level, please let us know
          o Amount is 1k or 2k USD up depends on the organization (we
            accept smaller amount from free software communities)
          o another things which has interested sponsors in the past was
            to provide speakers, besides it's hard to predict how big
            will be the local event closer to the offered speaker. we
            can work on it
    * Press release team:
          o PR should cover import announcements in the life of an SFD
          o including: write up, localize, spread the word
          o we need to build a better press network as next step
    * Goodies
          o Fred suggested that competition prizes should be announce is
            registration PR, as that could motivate people as well
          o Fred have started discussing with Novell as well to get
            openSUSE DVDs
          o Tshirts are the most wanted items, next is stickers
          o Pockey also suggested to send out banner, a few members are
            interested in it
          o Mike suggested to ship cds to those countries that have slow
            internet access, next step is to think of the logistic
            (everybody +1 to the great idea by Mike)
          o We should promote our pages of artworks so local teams can
            produce more goodies by themselves (follow up by art team)
          o Mike suggested: iron on transfers of the T-shirt designs,
            teams could get T-shirts and iron on the design, pockey will
            check with suppliers
          o Kjcole suggested: a template for small business cards (with
            a space for local info) or the like, to be inserted into CD
            slip covers, or just handed out.
          o so goodies priority is based on team feedbacks and
            necessity: 1. tshirts 2. CDs then.. depends on how much fund
            we raise
          o it seems that members joined the meeting think pins are a
            nice item to have. fred suggested: if we can, pins or button
            badges with "Please ask me about Software Freedom" would be
    * Competition prizes
          o we moved competition prizes discussion to next meeting,
            everybody think of the prizes and suggest in the upcoming
    * Marketing ideas:
          o we moved this item to next meeting due to lack of time
    * Others:
          o We talked about the URL -, mike asked
            if we should use, fred mentioned that we were
            just trying to avoid confusion, try not to end up with many
            web services all over the place, the only reason mailing
            lists are still on sf-day is because no one managed to move
            them to so we will keep using
          o We discussed about our meeting time:
                + we will keep the same timing (Sunday: UTC 1400) every
                  other week. (next meeting will be on May 1st) please
                  everybody update their own action items by emails
                  before each meetings
          o Notes taking process:

                  Step 1: meeting notes written here :<date>e.g.2011-04-17

                  (that will automatically link logged in

                + Step 2: put the web log in the page (name of the file
                  should be with reference to : 20110417.weechatlog (in
                  weechatlog format)
                + Step 3: email the marketing-list of the meeting notes
                + webbers to explore meetbot to take note in the future
                  (mike's suggestion :)

- Pockey

Nguyễn Châu An (An NGUYEN)
Linux Technician & FOSS Advocate
OpenPGP KeyID   2048R/8F77A48C
Key Fingerprint 7652 B403 749F F173 227D 4865 FB71 EC95 8F77 A48C

Kindest regards,
Dương "Yang" Hà Nguyễn
Web log:
"Life is a hack"

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