
AUF is looking for a web developer able to program in Python and Django (https://www.djangoproject.com/) as soon as possible.

The web application we are looking for is one database describing the training courses using French in the higher education institutions of the region. The job will consist to design the database according to specified requirements, develop the templates for entering/modifying information in the database and the web templates for various interrogations and searches of the database by the public.

The amount of working time will depend on the programming skills of the candidate but shall not depass 1-2 months full-time. Knowledge of French is not obligatory but may help. Remuneration may take the form of a lumpsum for the task to be accomplished.

If you are interested or know someone that could be interested, please get in touch directly with me for more details.

Thank you for your attention and best regards
M. VU DO Quynh
AUF (Tổ chức hợp tác ĐH Pháp ngữ)
Campus numérique francophone (CNF) de Hanoi
Nhà D, ngõ 42 Tạ Quang Bửu
Tél.: (84-4) ; Fax: (84-4)

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